Thoughts From the Radish Row, Part 1

From: Farmer Rex

Recent news articles about the upsurge of imported organic produce coming into US got me thinking about shopping choices. The most prevalent way most of us classify produce today is “Conventional” or “Organic.” However, there are other criteria we should always use to group vegetables. “Freshness” is important but relies on the eye of the consumer and is difficult to quantify.

In my humble opinion, “Location” is the place to start because it can be a clue of both freshness and food safety. Look for signs on the labeling like abbreviations of State or Region, “Fresh from Florida,” “Produce of USA”, or “produce of ..XYZ county”.

One last comment. Eating fruits and vegetables daily, regardless of where grown or how it is classified, is unquestionably the healthy diet choice.

At BigDaddy’s we concentrate on consumers and restaurants within 40 miles (less than an hour’s drive) of the farm gate. We installed coolers with humidity control. And we try to sell as fresh as possible. In fact, at our Farm Market most of the produce is picked less than 18 hours prior. It’s an essential part of feeding our neighbors well.

Keep it between the rows!

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